
Looking back at 2022 to see which Microsoft and general tech predictions we got right

As many of my colleagues and others practise this time of year, I too will plough my pen toward the futurity and scribe what I run across in the world of tech for 2022. Earlier I look forrad, however, I will briefly await back at what "Jason 2022" saw for 2022 and review what I got correct.

Ambient computing and security concerns rising

Last December I predicted:

Every bit we approach a 2022 5G rollout, and more ambient computing devices come online in 2022, I believe a critical mass will exist reached that will forcefulness greater attention, and more regulations to address the inherent vulnerabilities of ambient computing in 2022.

In Nov 2022 I likewise wrote ambient computing puts us at greater hazard to hackers. I addressed the various "access points" hackers have into our lives via smartphones, smart cars, Wi-Fi connected smart homes and smart speakers.

Between 2022 and now Google and Amazon (and others) have pushed their respective Google Home and Amazon Repeat smart speakers with competitive pricing geared more toward proliferation rather than profits. Google Home Hub, Echo Show, Facebook's Portal and others have brought screens to the ambience smart speaker boxing. Every bit these devices and this technology takes upwardly residence in our most personal spaces, hacking of these devices has remained an ongoing concern for some.

Informatics Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Moustafa Alzantot, has posited that the A.I. in these devices could be maliciously tricked using sound into "hearing" one command while a user utters some other.

Always-listening A.I. may be listening to more than than you lot think.

Furthermore, in tardily 2022 Bose and Sonos smart speakers were constitute to be prone to a item hack. In line with the potential malicious breaches of privacy, smart speaker consumers are trusting alive mics in their homes for the convenience of e'er-listening devices that answer to "wake words." As an Oregon couple's whose private conversation was recorded by Amazon's Echo and was sent to others discovered, these devices take the potential to e'er mind for more than a wake word.

Security advocate Josh Corman is pushing for legislation to caput off the potential weight of vulnerabilities a drench of IoT devices will potentially bring with 5G's distribution.

Despite these concerns, Jake Williams, a cyber-security expert argues smart speakers are unlikely targets for hackers. Perhaps. If and then, the biggest threat to our privacy may non be hackers, only the companies that make these devices listening in on our most private moments.

Always Connected PCs (ACPC) and the carrier effect

Embedded SIM-equipped (eSIM) ACPCs which allow users to choose carriers and plans directly from Windows, I predicted would begin to touch a modify in the carrier model in 2022. Equally power shifts from carriers to consumers, carriers would accept to become more aggressive in their offerings as they packaged data with ACPCs sold in their stores. I predicted:

This information purchasing model for a growing platform of connected devices will provoke carriers to become more competitive with their packages and offerings.

This year Dart offered free data to consumers who purchased an E'er Connected PC through that venue. Though off to a dull commencement, Qualcomm'south new Snapdragon 850 processors promise a steady progression toward the vision of this tech. Hitting.

Microsoft'due south pocketable Surface and carriers beware

I predicted:

Microsoft will launch its pocketable telephony-enabled Surface the Autumn of 2022" was my prediction for Surface Andromeda. That device which many critics over the years argued didn't be has been pushed out to "after a larger" Surface Centaurus PC.

This date was a clear miss, but more than and then for Microsoft which desperately needs a pocketable device which can practice what a smartphone does and more sooner than later.

Ironically, many outlets claimed Microsoft was not working on a mobile device — we presented an analysis that showed otherwise — have been diligently covering Surface Andromeda with seeming excitement. At present that we all agree the project is existent, let's promise Microsoft delivers.

How Microsoft's Surface Andromeda pocket PC could disrupt the market

Progressive Web Apps (PWA), 5G and app gap begone

Terminal year I said,

2018 will be the beginning of broader utilize of PWAs on various device types including cellular PCs and Edge."

This, though modestly fulfilled beginning, has come to pass. Additionally, companies like Appscope see the potential for PWAs and are committed to reaching developers, growing the ecosystem and building consumer awareness of PWAs.

Sites similar PWA Directory, and Outweb are as well pushing PWAs though perhaps not with the same obsession for quality Appscope does. Microsoft and Google run into a hybrid web/device future of which PWAs will play a part. 2022 was only a beginning to a potential comparative surge in 2022. Hit.

Quick picks

I said,

Edge computing would enable more powerful and intuitive AI.

Smart speakers and evolving assistants like Google Assistant that will navigate phone calls (in a higher place video), Cortana (in the enterprise) and Alexa bespeak this was a hit. "ODG, I said, "will launch telephony-enabled AR smartglasses." Though ODG has been a leader in smartglasses for years (though unknown by many), no telephony-enabled smartglasses emerged in 2022 (though the visitor's CEO has hinted at them). That'south a miss.

Finally, I said, "Qualcomm will win its fight against Broadcom'south hostile takeover attempts." Hit.

It'southward exciting to expect at technology, trends, business organization decisions, strategies, market fluctuations, consumer behavior and more to predict what the future holds. It'due south likewise intriguing to look dorsum to see how accurate or inaccurate those thoughtful predictions were.

Though I had more hits than misses for my 2022 predictions, allow'southward see if I can practice ameliorate for 2022.


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