
How To Change Frame Rate In Adobe Animate

#31 Setting the Frame Charge per unit

Every Flash flick has a frame rate, a measurement of how quickly the playhead moves through the Timeline. Frame rates are expressed in frames per second, commonly abbreviated as fps. Flash permits frame rates ranging from 120 fps (the fastest) to 0.01 fps (the slowest), which is equivalent to 100 seconds per frame. For comparing, the standard frame rate for a theatrical movie is 24 fps.

A movie'due south frame rate is displayed on the horizontal strip at the lesser of the Timeline (Figure 31a). The default frame charge per unit is 12 fps, but yous can modify it by double-clicking the frame-rate display or by choosing Change > Document.

Figure 31a

Figure 31a The frame charge per unit of your moving picture is displayed here.

The smoothness of animation increases equally the frame charge per unit increases. For instance, allow's say the procedure of opening a door takes ane second. You might animate the door opening in 10 frames at x fps, or you might animate it in 30 frames at 30 fps. Both animations would accept a duration of 1 second, just the latter would be much smoother, because at that place would be less motility in each frame (Figure 31b).

Figure 31b

Figure 31b If both of these sequences are played in the same corporeality of fourth dimension, the bottom one volition have a college frame rate and thus will await smoother. If both sequences are played at the same frame rate, they'll look equally shine, but the bottom ane volition have a longer duration.

A higher frame rate requires a larger SWF file (since more information has to exist stored in the file), and it besides puts more than of a need on the computer'due south processor. You lot'll often desire to apply a lower frame rate to gain efficiency at the expense of smoothness. If you're doing frame-past-frame animation (see #32), a lower frame rate too requires less work from you.

Keep in mind that the frame charge per unit you set for a motion picture is only a target. For example, information technology'south unlikely that a typical estimator tin can play a picture show at 120 fps. The lower you ready the frame rate, the more likely it is that whatever given user will be able to run across the picture show every bit you intended. A frame rate of 12 fps is mostly considered the minimum for acceptably smooth movement; most animation on the Web has a frame rate of about 15 fps.

When you set a frame rate, yous fix it for the entire moving picture; if you change it, you change it for the entire movie. You tin't start a movie with i frame rate and cease it with another—at least non without some tricky ActionScript. If you want to slow downward a detail sequence in your movie, the optimal solution isn't to lower the frame charge per unit, but to add more frames to the sequence.


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